I don't know how to rephrase this but, my hard drive died today (I don't know any other term to replace "died"). You know what that means, yes, every shit I have done in that hard drive is gone forever.
Aight, with all seriousness, yes, it did die and I lost EVERYTHING I did on that HD.
A day before that happened I actually saved my projects, cellification, the movie, and other sprites. Only these important flas but I'm glad those are safe. I don't know how much do I owe myself for doing that. I was initially shocked when I received these news but felt kranky after I realized they we're saved. Part of me wants to die but that fiiiine, All I can do about the other files is lay on the floor and try not to cry.
Yeah the movie is titled san and dei temporarily.
chub0000 (Updated )
Funny enough, this happened today which is my bday, I dont know if this is something that I should be happy about.